Wednesday 25 May 2011

Per què un club de cultura en anglès?

Catalunya és a la cua d'Europa pel que fa al coneixement de la llengua anglesa, quelcom bàsic per garantir el futur professional del nostres joves i la competitivitat de la nostra economia en un món global. Capgirar aquesta realitat és un objectiu de país i tothom hi hem de col·laborar.

La revista Catalonia Today i la cooperativa Abacus han unit forces per crear ECClub, el primer Club de Cultura en Anglès de Catalunya. L'activitat central de l'ECClub serà la creació de grups de lectura en anglès a les botigues Abacus de Catalunya i el País Valencià, coordinats per professors nadius. A més a més, es programaran tot un seguit d'activitats culturals en llengua anglesa (cinema, teatre, sortides, visites guiades, xerrades, conferències, viatges, continguts online, tasts de vins i productes de la terra, etc.) amb l'objectiu de millorar el nivell d'anglès de la població catalana.

Why have a culture club in English?

Catalonia is very aware that fluency in English is an important skill for everybody wishing to be involved in an increasingly globalised world, and especially for young people who have to seek work in a very competitive market. English is also the language used by many of the international community that have settled in Catalonia making it their new home. The ECClub provides them too with an opportunity to meet people and get to know more about Catalonia itself.
Catalonia Today magazine and Abacus Cooperative have joined forces to create the ECClub, the first English Culture Club in Catalonia. A central pillar of this club is the creation of reading groups in selected stores in Catalonia and Valencia, led by native English speakers. In addition there will be a series of activities available in English including cinema, theatre, outings, guided tours, talks, conferences, trips and advantages such as a discount on some wines and locally produced goods.

1 comment:

  1. Hola a tots i a totes!

    Acabo de descobrir el vostre blog.


    Que us semblaria tenir, a Londres, un guia en Angles, per a poder practicar?



